Millennium City
© Mitosis | GG-loop
Welcome to MC
You are invited to contribute as a founding member to the next evolution of how humans live. The Millennium City (MC) – a free private – will provide you and your fellow citizens with the framework for personal development by ensuring healthy food, pure water, consciousness-enhancing architecture, legal security, holistic education and health care, and a broad arts and culture program, and so together we will create a place of freedom, creativity and joy of life. Learn more and find out if you want to make history with us.
Values & Vision

Shared values and vision as the foundation of society
Shared values and vision as the foundation of society
Vision of the citizens of the first MC
As free, sovereign citizens of this city, we shape our lives and those of our children according to our own ideas. We create the basis for prosperity on all levels, cooperation, self-realization, creative work, a sustainable livelihood with our environment and thus the ability to contribute to the greater whole. The well-being of individual families and the community as a whole are at the core of our efforts.
Only a society with shared values can endure in the long term, i.e. across generations. In order to bring about the ongoing development and unfolding of a society's potential, it requires a jointly aspired vision.
Fundamental values are:
- Individual responsibility
- Freedom
- Respect
- Tolerance
- Cooperation
- Decentralized power distribution & administrative structures
Other values and a more specific vision will be defined by the founding members and can be continuously expanded by the citizens.
Decentralized systems

Decentralized, base-democratic systems for shaping our community life
Decentralized, base-democratic systems for shaping our community life
The free citizens actively shape their city and are aware of their rights and responsibilities. Through sociocratic working groups and tools such as the Decidim platform, the current issues of the city are effectively processed and implemented. The management of the city is the responsibility of the City Operating Company (MC-OC) - a private joint stock company in which only each adult resident or investor has a stake of one share each. Complete transparency of all operations and decisions is guaranteed by a blockchain-based management and voting system. Annual shareholder meetings present all shareholders with detailed reports on the past year, as well as forecasts for the coming year, and provide an opportunity for comments, criticism and suggestions. This eliminates the need for a political system with parties and elections.
Legal certainty

Legal framework as a secure basis for social coexistence
Legal certainty
The MC will be established as an autonomous zone within a host nation through a binding contract, as has already been done in Honduras, for example. For these negotiations, the Foundation will engage the inventor of the Free Private Cities concept, Titus Gebel and his firm. As an autonomous zone, the MC has sovereignty over the legislative, judicial and executive powers within the urban area, and thus can in turn enter into a binding civic contract with the citizens. Civil, criminal, fiscal, and economic laws are defined by the city, compliance with which is ensured, and violations are litigated before independent arbitration tribunals. Every resident and visitor to the city is equal before the law. Fundamental human rights are inviolable, such as right to physical integrity, right to freedom of expression, freedom of belief, freedom of movement, right to work and conduct business, right to private property, etc.
Physical foundation

Physical cornerstones for a healthy and sustainable life
Physical foundation
A healthy and sustainable life requires a clear structure, therefore
the MC-OC ensures the provision of all basic needs:
- Security (security service, fire department, paramedics).
- Emergency medical care
- Electricity and water supply
- Food production of all staple foods
- Clothing production
- Public transport
- Communication (Internet, mobile telephony, postal services, delivery of goods)
- Insurance (based on free choice)
- Infrastructure & organization of a wide range of cultural activities
Security and emergency care are services guaranteed to all citizens for a fixed annual fee. The remaining sectors mentioned above form profit centers for MC-OC and profits are half reinvested and the other half distributed as returns to shareholders.
Health care, education and art/culture are supported by the free market and actively supported by the MC-OC, e.g. by providing buildings free of charge. Although this reduces the company's profit distribution to shareholders, in the long term it is an investment in the city's success. Excellent offerings in health, education and the arts consistently attract new residents, allowing the city to grow to its optimal size. They also make a hugely important contribution to the health of society, as it takes healthy, free-thinking and educated people to lead fulfilling lifestyles.
The city has its own cryptocurrency, which can be purchased with various cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies, and thus has more control over its fiscal power and is less dependent on geopolitical influences on the purchasing power of its currency.
Administration and voting runs on a blockchain (see Estonia), which makes these areas not only extremely efficient and cost-effective, but also very transparent and thus resistant to corruption.
Summary of highlights of a MC
- Healthy construction & aesthetics through Biophilic architecture and citizen co-design of the cityscape.
- High quality food supply
- Own legislation, thereby absolute protection of basic rights such as: Right to physical integrity, expression of opinion, etc.
- Decentralized and unbureaucratic administration
- Strong promotion of sustainable education, art and culture
- Preventive and holistic health care system
- Low tax burden
- Passive income through returns for shareholders
- Data security through blockchain
- Inflation protection through cryptocurrency
- Cosmopolitan atmosphere (citizens from many countries) English is first language and second language is the national language
About us
The Millennium Foundation
The Millennium Foundation was founded by Andrew Blake and his daughter Layla to actively support the change in consciousness that is currently taking place on earth and thus contribute to a world of freedom, peace and prosperity. The first project of the Foundation is the Millennium City Project presented here.

About us
The Millennium Foundation
The Millennium Foundation was founded by Andrew Blake and his daughter Layla to actively support the change in consciousness that is currently taking place on earth and thus contribute to a world of freedom, peace and prosperity. The first project of the Foundation is the Millennium City Project presented here.

The phases
Timeline of the implementation
- Lay the foundation for legal framework and citizen contract
- Find suitable piece of land with architect and geomancer and secure it by purchase option
- Determine the preliminary city layout with the design team, based on the conditions of the land plot
- Prepare negotiations with the host nation
- find the first 1000 founding members
YEAR 2-3
2024 – 2025
- City masterplan
- Plan the construction phase to incrementally build in a sustainable manner
- Plan and prepare infrastructure, water supply, permaculture and energy supply
- find the first 10 000 founding members
- sign binding contract with host nation >> founding members can sign citizen contract
YEAR 4-6
2026 – 2029
- Engineering and architectural design
- Start of construction and occupation by the first founding members
YEAR 7-14
2030 – 2037
Gradual City construction and completion